Everybody knows somebody named “BOB”, Bobby, Rob, Robert or Robbie. We have started a list here of the Bobs (and names that can be cut down to “BOB”) who have made their names popular through movies, television, music, and many other ways.
If we have overlooked a famous Bob here, please don’t be afraid to point it out to us. Our mission is to list as many famous Bobs as we can, so we’ll need all the help we can get.
After looking at the “short list” below, check out the links below to the pages for famous Bob’s of many flavors:
This list is far from complete, but it’s a darned good start!
Bob Barker– Game-show Host
Robbie Battle– Nephew Extraordinary
Bob Carlisle– Singer/Songwriter
Bob Costas– Sports Announcer
Bob Denver– GILLIGAN!!
Robert DiNiro– Actor
Bob Dole– Senator
Bob Dornan– Politician
Robert Downey Jr.– Actor
Robert Duvall– Actor
Bob Dylan– Famous Singer
Bob Evans– Founder of Bob Evans Restaurant
Bob Eubanks– Gameshow Host
Bob Fenster– newspaper Writer
Robert Foster– Actor
Robert Frost– Poet
Bob Gleason– CEO and President of All About Bob
Bob “Cat” Goldthwait– Comedian
Robert Gross– Author/Historian
Bob Hader– Comedian
Bob Hope– Famous Comedian
Bobby Hurly– B-Ball Star
Bob Hund– Music
Bob James– Jazz musician
Bob Keer– Star
Bob Keeshan– Creator of Captain Kangaroo/Author
Robert Kennedy– Former Senator
Bob Kline– Winton Woods person
Bobby Knight– basketball Coaching Great
Bob Lazar– Scientist
Robert E. Lee– Civil War General
Bob Livingston– Politician
Bob Marley– Famous Singer
Bob Miller– L.A. Sports Announcer
Bob Mortimer– comedian
Bob Newhart– Actor/Comedian
Robert Orey– Basketball Player
Robert Pacwood– Politician
Bob Parent– Photographer
Robert Perry– Football Player
Bob Probert– Hockey Star for Chicago Blackhawks
Bob Ross– Famous Painter, (seen on PBS)
Bob Ryan– Action 4 News anchor
Bob Saget– Comedian/actor
Bob Segar– Famous Singer
Robert Simonds– Movie Producer
Bob Smith– Politician
Buffalo Bob Smith– Howdy Dudey Time
Billy Bob Thorton– Actor
Bob Tischler– Music Producer
Bob Townson– Car Dealer in Cincinnati
Bob Uecker– Sports Announcer/Actor
Bobby Valentine– Wrestling Star
Robert K. Wiess– Movie Producer
Bob Woodward– Author
Bob Zany– Comedian
Bill Murry– Played a Bob In a Movie
Sideshow Bob– The Simpsons
BOB and TOM– Radio personalities
Bob The Dinosaur– Dilbert Character
Bob The Tomato– Veggie Tales
Bob The Software– Microsoft application before Windows
Uncle BOB– Everyone Has an Uncle Bob