January 24, 2025

When it comes to real estate, you know the saying… it’s all about “location, location, location!”  To me, as a blogger and social media enthusiast, that is just music to my ears.


The phrase “location, location, location” has the implication of a local market – which is where real estate thrives.  And social media is a platform where a real estate agent can become very well known in the local market space – if leveraged effectively.

Think Local

I’ve worked with quite a few real estate agents in the past with their online marketing and social media efforts.  And I’m always amazed at how all of them, almost without exception, wanted to start sharing content about the “overall” real estate market.  The agents felt that by sharing national level real estate news and information, they would be marketing to a much larger audience.



There’s only two  problems with this thinking:

First, national level real estate news and information is typically produced on highly authoritative websites, which means your brand new website has virtually zero chance of being found.

Second, if you’re a real estate agent in Syracuse, NY for example,  can you really help someone in Colorado who needs a home in Denver?

Turn your focus on  your local market for moment.  Think about how many local news stories, new developments, new land use laws, or local real estate news and statistics there are.  As a real estate agent, if you share local news and information, you are much more likely to connect to someone in your specific marketplace who actually will hire you to be their agent.

But how do you leverage social media to generate and share this local news and information?

I suggest using  a  three tiered system that fully leverages social media, and ensures that you are gaining high quality exposure to clients who are searching for you.


It all starts with a blog.  I recommend you build a high quality real estate blog using the WordPress  or similiar platform – like this one I recently started the Being BOB Blog . In just 6 short months it has had over 2800 unique visitors, over 55,000 page views and has nearly 100 subscribers. Honestly, I never envisioned that kind of response when I started it.

A WordPress blog is a highly optimized platform that will allow you to easily generate content, and also gives you high levels of exposure in Google search results. Their templates are easy to learn how to use.  Having a blog  allows you to generate local news and information, and through your content, you will attract a local market base of people.

These people, as they read more of your content, will begin to remember you and the fact that you’re a real estate agent in their area.  And your brand name will stick in their minds when they need a real estate agent.  Best case scenario, they visit your blog several times  a week to get the latest and greatest information about what’s happening in the local market place.  This begins the process of brand building for your real estate business and in turn, will get other people talking about you (word of mouth marketing).


Twitter is a great place to generate content quickly because you only have 140 character spaces to utilize. But Twitter is a great place for you to syndicate your content to a growing online audience. Granted, your followers on Twitter are more than likely NOT from your local town, but you’re building your brand with this audience nonetheless.

Again, the brand recognition (your name, your business, etc…) will be talked about by others.  And/or the next time a friend or a family member needs to buy a home in your area, your name will come to people’s mind and your phone will ring!

Twitter is also a great way to broadcast message the content you generate on your blog.  In fact, you can automate this process so that each time you generate a new blog posting, the article automatically gets sent to Twitter – all without you having to do anything but publish your blog article.

Facebook or Facebook Fan Page

A Facebook  or Facebook Fan Page is almost as important as your blog.  I believe that Facebook is more valuable than any list building platform you currently use, including any email list building programs you are using. Consider  Facebook a lead generation source. Facebook pages are “voluntary”, meaning nobody forces anyone to become a fan or follow you on Facebook.  This makes  Facebook  a 100% opt-in platform.  And getting people to voluntarily opt-in to receive updates from you makes your friends/fans a high quality audience of prospects. So sharing all of your news and information from your blog via your Facebook page is a great way to reach the Facebook audience. I advertise the Being BOB Blog on Facebook all the time and attribute much of its sucessful following to Facebook. Oh, AND its FREE!

Since Facebook allows for easy sharing of content, and viral marketing exposure when people comment on your updates, your brand name can grow very quickly and with very little management effort on your end.

We welcome your comments or questions about how you use social media to boost your business. Feel free to post comments and/or questions you would like answered on this or any  topic and we’ll do our best to get you an answer.

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1 thought on “How Real Estate Agents Can Use Social Media

  1. Thanks for this post. I basically agree with what you are saying. I have been talking about this subject a lot lately with my father so may possibly this will get him to see my point of view. Fingers crossed!

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